Good Persuasive Topics: On a Quest for Great Ideas and Hints

Justice scale and spectacles on wooden desk in courtroom.

Virtually every student has written a persuasive essay at least once. In this kind of paper, the author has to put forward a solid argument about a specific problem or question.

The main issue is that some topics are too well-known, and it is difficult to say something new about them. If you are searching for good persuasive essay topics, you might want to read this article.

πŸ“· Journalism and Mass Media

The role of mass media has always been quite controversial and there are plenty of topics that you may discuss:

  1. Do private media companies serve the interests of the community or just promote the interest of their owners?
  2. Can journalists be unbiased while reporting or evaluating events?
  3. Is it necessary to censor movies with explicit violent or sexual content?
  4. Should advertising of tobacco products be prohibited? Will this policy reduce smoking in the country?
  5. Can Internet completely substitute television and printed media? Can you imagine the world without television?

🌐 The World of Politics and International Relations

Politics and international relations also spark heated debate among many people. There are many problems and questions that still remain unresolved. You may pick some of them for your paper, for instance:

  1. Should international organizations like UNO intervene into the activities of state governments? In what cases, can such intervention be justified?
  2. Is the very idea of international government realistic?
  3. War is an inherent part of the world’s history. Can you imagine the world without wars?
  4. Is the idea of human rights universal? Does it vary across countries and cultures?
  5. Can modern technologies such as Internet help people understand better international relations?

πŸ‘” Political Correctness and Its Influences

Scholars, journalists, and sometimes even writers attempt to avoid language that can be offensive to some groups of people. This tendency has often been discussed by linguists and sociologists. If you look for good topics for persuasive essays, take a look at these questions:

  • Does the evasion of politically incorrect words make people more tolerant toward other cultures, races, or ethnicities?
  • Is it necessary to censor books that contain plenty of politically incorrect words?
  • Can media and especially journalists completely avoid biased or gendered language in their discourse?
  • Is it possible or necessary to promote cultural diversity by means of politically correct language?

πŸ’Ό Law and Criminal Justice

Legal problems and conflicts can become excellent subjects of a persuasive essay. People, who struggle to find a good topic, may examine modern debates among legislators. There are plenty of questions and topics that you may pick, for instance:

  • Does criminal punishment act as deterrent of violent crime?
  • Is it ethical to sentence underage people to life-long imprisonment?
  • Can imprisonment change people for the better?
  • Are there cases when illegal behavior can be ethically justified?

You can focus on one of these topics while writing your persuasive essay. Remember that, it’s a great chance for you to demonstrate the originality of your thinking and get an A.
