Analysis of the Total Quality Management Concept


  1. Objective # 1: How to prove that TQM plan has been implemented properly
  2. Objective #2: What are the steps associated in implementing Total Quality Management
  3. Objective # 3: What will be done by whom in order to implement Total Quality Management?

Organizations heavily rely on their customers and they try their level best to fulfill their expectations. Customers on the other hand are more concerned about the value they are getting from a certain organization and they are concerned about the quality of a product or service they are purchasing. These issues although vary from one organization to another organization but they are related to customer retention and growth of an organization. That is the reason why elements like total quality management, value chain management etc came into existence (Peratec Ltd 2009). In this paper an analysis is done in such a way that how TQM is implemented in a departmental store, what action plan is needed to implement total quality management and what are the steps taken by the manager to implement total quality management in this departmental store.


Total Quality Management is basically a structured system that is used for meeting and exceeding the needs of the customers and the expectations of the customers by creating an organization’s participation in processes like planning and development and continuously improving the processes of an organization. The core idea of Total Quality Management is not just about the implementation part and controlling the processes that flow in an organization but it is basically an attempt that is installed in the mind of every employee that quality is the major aspect of success and through this approach they can monitor the quality of their own work. In nearly every sector quality is considered as the utmost ingredient of success and in promoting the efficiency and effectiveness in businesses TQM must be practically implemented in every organization (Besterfield 2002). That is the reason why TQM is considered as a companywide approach and the implementation process starts from the top management. Similarly, the next step is the implementation of this approach by the middle managers and they have to implement this approach and convey the principles of TQM to lower managers (George 1998). Therefore, it can be said that TQM is a planned discipline which is beneficial for every organization in both the short and the long run if it’s implemented properly.


Objective 1: How to prove that TQM plan has been implemented properly

The manager should incorporate and understand the basic aspects of Total Quality Management in the first place and he/she should convince his/her manager about the TQM implementation. However, if Total Quality Management is implemented properly then entire store would easily depict that it’s a quality driven organization. Similarly, certain steps can be taken by the manager of the store to prove that the core principles of Total Quality Management are implemented properly or not. These steps are discussed below:

  • Customer satisfaction: Customers are considered as an asset of an organization and through surveys and questionnaires about the quality of products and services offered in the departmental store the manager can easily judge the quality of the entire plan. CEO can evaluate the results of the surveys which would determine that whether proper Total Quality Management techniques are implemented or not.
  • Customer Retention: If the policies of Total Quality Management are implemented properly then customers can be retained for a longer term and this can be checked from interviewing certain customers and recording their responses.
  • International Standards: The international standards of quality are fulfilled by all the brands and the departmental store is recognized by International Standards Organization (ISO). Similarly, the stakeholders that are linked with the organization are satisfied with the quality of services and the quality of brands.
  • Comparison with previous years: The CEO can easily check the quality standards of the departmental store through comparing it with the quality of previous years and an improvement would easily depict that certain quality improvement plans are implemented in this departmental store.

These aspects might clearly depict that whether Total Quality Management is implemented in the organization or not. Through cross checking quality measures that are taken by the manager the CEO can evaluate the viability of the processes used in the departmental store (Evans 2004).

Objective 2: What are the steps associated in implementing Total Quality Management

In order to implement Total Quality Management there are certain steps that must be incorporated by the manager of that departmental store. These steps are considered to be very important because the implementation part is dependent upon these crucial steps. These important steps that are linked with the department store are discussed below:

  1. Foundation: The foundation of TQM is based on three important aspects which are known as ethics, integrity and trust. These three combine together and support the entire concept of TQM. These three steps are discussed below:

Ethics: Two aspects are associated with the term ethics and these two terms are individual ethics and organizational ethics. The employees of the organization must abide by the code of ethics that are developed by the organization in this way quality would automatically added in the services that are provided by the departmental store. Similarly, employees must perform their own duties and they must know that what is right and what is wrong (Total Quality Management: Text 1999).

Integrity: Integrity incorporates different elements like fairness, morals, honesty and sincerity. Duplicity must not prevail in the atmosphere because TQM cannot be implemented in an environment where duplicity is present. That is the reason why employees in the departmental store should work on the principles of integrity.

Trust: Trust is usually considered as the by-product of integrity and the ethical behavior In order to implement the proper TQM strategies trust must be embedded in the culture of every organization. Trust in a departmental store is very necessary because customers must belief in the products and services they are buying. Trust is very necessary to ensure customer satisfaction in both the short and the long run.

  1. Bricks: Bricks are placed on the structure of TQM and it includes training, teamwork and leadership. These three phenomenon’s are discussed below:

Training: The training sessions must be conducted after working hours in the departmental store in order to implement TQM in the organization. The manager must hire a trainer who would train the sales staff or the employees that are in direct contact with the customers. Employees in the departmental store must be trained about the interpersonal skills and how they can coordinate and satisfy the needs of the customer. Therefore, it can be said that training is quite necessary for the employees if they are willing to implement TQM in their organization.

Teamwork: In order to be successful in the business teamwork and to implement TQM teamwork is quite necessary for an organization and in the scenario of the departmental store the employees must coordinate with each other and they must keep in mind that their core objective is to satisfy the needs of the customers. The teamwork that is associated with Total Quality Management possesses several elements like Quality Improvement Team (QITS), Problem Solving Teams (PST) and Natural Work Teams (NWT). QITS must be formed for temporary basis in order to solve specific problems that usually re-occur. PST’s are actually meant for problems and they must be formed to solve the wide and varied problems associated with the departmental store. In the similar manner NWT’s must be formed for solving day to day issues.

Leadership: Leadership is considered as the core aspect of Total Quality Management and implementation of TQM is impossible without leadership. A strong leadership can easily change the fate of any organization and leaders must lead the organization from the front and they must guide their subordinates in every situation. The supervisor of the store must be very committed in leading the organization and he/she must understand what TQM is and how employees can implement it in their organization. The values and missions of the organization must be conveyed to the employees and all the employees must coordinate with the leader and this can only happened when understands his/her duty and then implement what is best for the organization.

  1. Binding MortarThe next step for TQM is binding the mortar which is elaborated below:

Communication: The purpose of communication is to bind everything together and communication in the TQM house acts as a mortar that binds together the elements of Total Quality Management. It actually means the understanding of ideas between the sender and the receiver. TQM actually demands the communication among all the stakeholders of the organization. In the scenario of departmental store employees must communicate effectively within themselves and with their customers. The message with the customer must be complete and concise and both the sender and receiver can easily understand the message. This strategy can easily be implemented if the supervisor or the manager develops effective communication skills and he/she must transfer these skills to their subordinates. As far as communication in organizations is concerned there are three different ways of communication. These ways are discussed below:

Downward Communication: This is considered to be the dominant form of communication in every organization and through this strategy discussions become quite easier and supervisors direct their employees about TQM (Goetsch and Davis 2003).

Upward Communication: In this form of communication the lower level employees are able to coordinate with each other and employees provide constructive criticism which is also a necessary element for Total Quality Management. In this scenario, the manager of the departmental store would listen to his/her employees.

Sideways Communication: In this form type of communication the barriers between departments are broken down and professional attitude actually prevails in this form of communication.

  1. Roof: The roof as implied by the name is placed at the top of the TQM house and it incorporates an important element known as recognition. The scenario of recognition is discussed below:

Recognition: Recognition is considered as the last the final element of Total Quality Management and it includes the suggestions and recommendations for the entire system. In the scenario of a departmental store the employees strive for recognition and this would enhance the self-esteem of employees, productivity of the employees and it effects the overall growth of an organization. The recognition of the employees can be initiated from different forms and it usually starts with the top management. Similarly, the efforts of the employees can be recognized at any time and the events like annual awards and sales conference can be the best place for an employee (Omachonu and Ross 2004).

Objective 3: What will be done by whom in order to implement Total Quality Management?

The steps of TQM are quite crucial in order to ensure the growth of the organization. The manager must initiate the processes of Total Quality Management in an organization. After that all the workers of the organization must coordinate with the manager to implement that policies and elements that are associated with Total Quality Management.


Therefore, it can be concluded that Total Quality Management is an effective managerial principle that is applicable in nearly all the organization that are willing to be successful in both the short and the long run. The CEO of the departmental store must evaluate this principle on the basis that quality is added on every step and the customer of the organization is benefitting from the final product. Besides that the managers of the organization must make sure that the term Total Quality Management is properly implemented or it’s just taken by the managers as a fashion or a fad. That is the reason why proper check and balance must be placed on the on the employees and how are they implementing the policies of TQM within an organization. Similarly, it must be checked by the manager that quality is added in the service of the organization and the commitment of employees.

List of References

  1. Besterfield, D. 2002, Total Quality Management, New York: Prentice Hall.
  2. Evans, J. 2004, Total Quality: Management, Organization and Strategy, South-Western College.
  3. George, S. (1998). Total Quality Management: Strategies and Techniques Proven at Today’s Most Successful Companies. Wiley.
  4. Goetsch, D., & Davis, S. (2003). Quality Management: Introduction to Total Quality Management for Production. Prentice Hall.
  5. Omachonu, V., & Ross, J. (2004). Principles of Total Quality. CRC.
  6. Peratec Ltd. (2009). Total Quality Management. Springer.
  7. Total Quality Management: Text, C. a. (1999). Ross,J;Perry,S. CRC.
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