Being a Leader


Managers are generally considered objective-oriented and practical individuals which focus on short-term results, controlling risk and the status quo, and using proven and effective methods of achieving goals. It can be said that managers offer a systematic approach that is meant to direct and manage employees in a structured business environment. Meanwhile, leaders are typically seen as visionaries, leading with their ideas and building relationships both internal and external for the company. Leaders, as its name implies, create followers that support the long-term visionary approach that they bring.

At the same time, leaders can often bring unorthodox methods to the workplace and try new approaches in strategy or management that are risky (Arruda, 2016). The discussion is important because businesses may require different types of people at the helm dependent on the situation, external and internal. Some periods or companies require stability and systematic management while others seek innovative change to differentiate after stagnation.

My reflection about the study

I partially agree with the study, but also believe there are several individuals and social factors that should be considered as well. The study compares a large sample of individuals to determine some common characteristics. However, the results unintentionally ascertain virtually that women are more suited as managers with the systemic focus on results, while men are more fitting to leader characteristics.

I agree with the study, and I believe it takes a sensible approach in discussing the social factors to career differences as well as biological and interpersonal differences (Kabacoff, 2016). Nevertheless, it undermines the possibility that women can offer strategic vision, which is sometimes the most important aspect in a business environment. Numerous examples of female business leaders have demonstrated tremendous organizational vision in modern corporations and have added value to the business beyond managing production.


The merger is between two drastically different companies in terms of market segmentation, size, and ownership structure, as well as evident conflicts in leadership and policies. Transformational leadership theory may be effective, where the leaders work with teams to identify aspects needing change and creating a unified vision to guide the companies through the change. It is a model which both inspires change and innovation while promoting careful teamwork. It does not attempt to micromanage but motivates trusted employees such as department managers to make the decisions. Meanwhile, there is an emphasis on authenticity, cooperation, and open communication in such a leadership approach.


Aruda, W. (2016). 9 Differences between being a leader and a manager. Forbes. Web.

Kabacoff, R. I. (2016). Leadership and gender differences—Are men and women leading in the same way? Portland, ME: Management Research Group. Web.

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