Business Communication Breakdowns in Management

This research project paper will explore communication problems in management. The adoption of working communication strategies is one of the hallmarks of successful management in the contemporary business environment. Proper communication in the workplace increases productivity and the employees’ job satisfaction, hence reduced turnover rates. Additionally, successful communication is useful in creating functional teams, facilitates innovation, ensures transparency, and helps in building and maintaining relationships amongst employees and the management.

Despite the numerous advantages of proper communication in management, most organizations experience communication breakdown or disconnect, which affects performance. A study carried in the United States showed that only 17 percent of the interviewed employees thought that their managers communicated effectively (Odine, 2015). This data highlights disconnect in commutation because the managers taking part in the study indicated that they spent close to 80 percent of their time on issues related to operational communication (Odine, 2015). As such, the data shows that the efforts that managers put in communication are not commensurate with the achieved results. This realization shows that while managers may think they are communicating effectively, the information given or how it is passed across may affect reception by the employees. Anything that affects the delivery and reception of information to achieve the intended results can be termed as barrier to communication. With such barriers, employees may not accomplish their duties as expected, which leads to a conflict between the management and workers. Consequently, with conflicts, performance is affected and the probability of not achieving the set goals increases. In the light of this understanding, this project will seek to understand the barriers to effective communication in management.

Businesses should endeavor to create functional communication systems that ensure timely and effective delivery of information. One of the issues that this paper will seek to address is the nature of communication systems that companies have put in place. However, even in the presence of working communication channels, the information passed may not be received as intended. As such, this paper will explore some of the factors that affect communication between the sender and the recipient. Qualitative research methods like questionnaires and interviews will be used to determine perceptions in management communication (Creswell, 2014). Workers will be asked to indicate the extent to which they feel that their managers communicate effectively. On the other hand, managers will be asked to indicate how they rate themselves in terms of effective communication. Additionally, the management will be asked to indicate the communication channels and strategies that are employed when passing information to employees. Workers will be asked to indicate why they think their managers do not communicate effectively.

The paper will analyze some of the common mistakes that managers make when communicating in an organizational set-up. Literature review will be carried out to gather information on the subject. Scholarly materials like peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and case studies among other resources will be used to establish what is already known about this subject. The literature review will cover the advantages of proper communication in management. It will also establish the implications of dysfunctional communication in the workplace. Statistical methods will be used to analyze the collected data. The results will be discussed to draw conclusions based on the available evidence. The paper will finally give recommendations of what managers can do to improve communication in the workplace for better performance.


Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Odine, M. (2015). Communication problems in management. Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance, and Banking, 4(2), 1615-1630.

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