Business Project Management and Planning Techniques

Two Project Management Planning Techniques

The current business project that requires immediate management is rather basic. It suggests rebranding that will allow enhancing customer relations and reshaping the brand image to change the current brand perception in the target market. The process of project implementation is fraught with a vast number of challenges, the main ones concerning the need to shape the existing framework for project management. Currently, the issue of information transfer and meeting set deadlines seems to be one of the essential stumbling blocks for the target team to overcome. Introducing the principles of the Six Sigma model, which is expected to assist a manager in institutionalizing change and introducing innovative thinking into the process, is believed to have a vastly beneficial effect on the outcomes of project management.

In the project under analysis, the introduction of the Six Sigma principles has allowed setting clear objectives and criteria for success, at the same time encouraging employees to consider the idea of continuous professional development. BY setting the bar higher with each innovative solution emerging in the market, the Six Sigma tool helped to introduce team members to the notion of lifelong professional growth and the acceptance of change as a positive phenomenon.

Another example of a project management planning technique utilized in the case in question was agile project management. The approach under consideration is characterized by integrating the concept of collaboration into the principle of the incremental change introduced with the help of the Six Sigma technique.

Technique for Analyzing and Resolving a Conflict

Even the projects that might seem impeccable contain contradictions that will ultimately cause a conflict. Therefore, the extent of preparedness to a situation that involves the emergence of a conflict and the management thereof defines the efficacy of a project and a team completing it. In the described setting, the application of the collaboration and reconciliation conflict management model seems to be the most appropriate one. The described tool will allow team members to acknowledge their emotions and their role in the escalation of the conflict, at the same time understanding the emotions of others better (Conway et al., 2016). Consequently, the platform for creating a solution that will satisfy the needs of all parties involved.

Another important conflict management technique applied in the context of the project management process involves collaboration and problem-solving. At this point, one should note that the combination of the two approaches seems to be the most sensible step to take when addressing disagreements in the selected environment. After allowing the participants to explore the nature of their emotional distress and the cause of their anger, one will be able to handle their unwillingness to make peace by suggesting the options that will be equally beneficial to everyone involved in the project management process. The suggested framework will be very useful not only in the short-term goals management but also in addressing long-term goals, such as fostering the development of corporate value sin staff members. Specifically, the framework of combining two essential conflict management techniques will prepare staff members to incorporate the company’s values and philosophy and apply them to manage interprofessional and interpersonal issues in the workplace.

Successful Application of Project Management Techniques


The use of influencing as the foundational notion of project management is deployed when shaping the participants’ perception of organizational values and the ethical standards employed in the course of problem-solving. The focus on quality and the professional development of the participants has been the core of the influencing strategies used in the course of project management, which has led to substantial improvements in the workplace performance levels among the participants.


Convincing team members to accept a particular idea is a challenging task due to the differences in the perspectives of a project manager and a team member. However, showing that the notion of continuous professional development and the constant acquisition of new skills were in the best interests of the participants allowed to persuade them to accept the described philosophy. The tools used for convincing involved a personal example and the application of motivational leadership strategies.

Negotiating with others

As stressed above, the problem of promoting peaceful conflict solving was a particularly difficult aspect of managing a team project in a multicultural and multidisciplinary setting. Due to the lack of similarities in the cultural background and value system of the participants, there is the need to structure a negotiating technique that reduces the probability of a workplace confrontation. Among the essential strategies used for negotiation, project-management-based techniques such as collaboration and compromise were used to assist employees in rationalizing their emotions and accepting the needs of others, thus working together on an acceptable solution.


Conway, E., Fu, N., Monks, K., Alfes, K., & Bailey, C. (2016). Demands or resources? The relationship between HR practices, employee engagement, and emotional exhaustion within a hybrid model of employment relations. Human Resource Management, 55(5), 901-917. doi:10.1002/hrm.21691.

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