Human Aggression and Its Prerequisites

The theme of human aggression and its prerequisites is touched upon in many academic works of a psychological profile. Based on the basic information about the problem, social psychology is engaged in its study since the formation of character traits is formed in groups in which a person spends much time. Also, this topic may be involved in clinical psychology because, as Newman (2016) notes, in some cases, therapeutic interventions are necessary.

In order to consider the factors and premises of human aggression, three relevant peer-reviewed articles will be utilized – the studies by Hay (2017), Meter, Ehrenreich, and Underwood (2019), and Singh and Rao (2018). While taking into account the evaluation mechanism proposed by Newman (2016), the results will be analyzed, and relevant conclusions will be made regarding the relevance of these works to the stated issue.

Early Development of Aggression

The topic of the early manifestation of human aggression is revealed in the study by Hay (2017). The author argues that the first prerequisites of rage are natural in infancy when toddlers get to know the world. Hay (2017) also notes that if obvious deviations are confused with excessive sociability, this can cause problems for parents in the future. If a child is aggressive towards both peers and adults, this is a serious reason to evaluate his or her general emotional state and take action if necessary.

As evidence, Hay (2017) analyzes the behavior of individual cases of aggression in young children and cites quantitative data, noting that during a certain age (about three years old), only 4% of all children involved in the study demonstrate physical strength as aggression (p. 103). In case a child’s deviant behavior continues, a deeper assessment than observation is necessary.

As an alternative explanation, one can pay attention to gender differences that define distinctive forms of behavior and change over the years. Although Hay (2017) argues that at a young age, manifestations of deliberate aggression are rare, it is essential to pay attention to such cases and control the drivers that stimulate a child to rage. In general, this study is consistent with the topic under discussion and may be used as an auxiliary resource.

Social Aggression at Different Ages

Another significant aspect of the issue in question is the manifestation of aggression due to disagreements in the family. This issue is also part of the spectrum of social psychology and is addressed in the study by Meter, Ehrenreich, and Underwood (2019). The authors note that adult-peer interaction is often a role model for adolescents who, in turn, copy certain behavioral patterns (Meter, Ehrenreich, & Underwood, 2019).

As key evidence, Meter, Ehrenreich, and Underwood (2019) present the results of the research in which parental aggression is reflected in the psychological characteristics of children’s development. Thus, the attitude of the younger generation to the older one is based on imitation. In other words, if adults show aggression in their families, this is perceived by children as a norm and becomes a problem subsequently.

Also, an alternative interpretation exists, which, however, also proves the initial correlation. Meter, Ehrenreich, and Underwood (2019) note that tight parental control and discipline tend to provoke retaliatory rigidity in adolescents. As a result, in order to prevent excessive aggression, adults are to control their behavior. The conclusions about the well-being of involved parties in case of peaceful relationships are logical, and the topic is disclosed comprehensively in the context of social psychology and, in particular, the family institution.

Suicide Attempts and Aggression

Since the topic of human aggression is addressed not only in the social branch of psychology but also in the clinical one, the article by Singh and Rao (2018) about the relationship of suicidal tendencies with deviant behavior is relevant. The authors note that impulsiveness inherent in people with such mental health problems is one of the prerequisites for anger outbursts and often cannot be controlled (Singh & Rao, 2018).

This, in turn, may cause rash acts and even attempts to commit suicide. Singh and Rao (2018) provide evidence in the form of statistical reports and argue that aggression is closely correlated with impulsivity. In addition, according to them, among the male population, the likelihood of suicide due to deviant behavior is higher, which proves the assumption of their lower threshold of stress tolerance (Singh & Rao, 2018). These findings are consistent with the stated theme and serve as a valuable substantiating background.

The tendency of aggressive people to impulsive actions is an alternative version of the study results. The information about the manifestations of anger in various forms, in combination with suicidal tendencies, can serve as additional evidence for testing this version. The conclusions that impulsiveness is a consequence of aggression and may be fraught with suicide attempts are reasonable in the context of the presented results.


The relevance of the presented studies to the stated topic of human aggression and its prerequisites has been proved by analyzing these works and assessing their findings. By using the evaluation mechanism proposed by Newman (2016), each of the research has been examined in the context of findings objectivity and potential alternative conclusions. All the three works can serve as valuable resources for studying the proposed psychological issue.


Hay, D. F. (2017). The early development of human aggression. Child Development Perspectives, 11(2), 102-106.

Meter, D. J., Ehrenreich, S. E., & Underwood, M. K. (2019). Relations between parent psychological control and parent and adolescent social aggression. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(1), 140-151.

Newman, M. (2016). Research methods in psychology (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

Singh, P. K., & Rao, V. R. (2018). Explaining suicide attempt with personality traits of aggression and impulsivity in a high risk tribal population of India. PloS One, 13(2), 1-13.

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