Organizational Design and Its Future Technologies

Organization design is a tool used to correlate the structure of an organization. This tool manages the entire workforce, data, information systems, and technology. Organization designs will be built based on the firm’s size, control strategy, environment, and revenue generation. Organization design helps align the business pattern of an organization with the objectives of its objectives. Chief executives believe that this process will influence the productivity of the organization. The company’s organization design must be managed by qualified personnel, and the process will require the cooperation of the entire workforce in the organization (Galbraith, 2012, p. 1). Of all the components of organizational design, technology is the driving force for any organization. The rise in advanced technology has changed the entire business process; thus, changing the concept of marking from regional to global coverage. The future of organization design for any firm is affected by the complex nature of technology, the centralization of the technology, and the formalization of the organizational design. To forecast the organization’s design, we must study the above variables.

The traditional structure of the design is giving way to the advanced design structure; this is due to the complexity of technological advancement. Most organizations have utilized the strategic design process to correlate their organization’s hierarchy. The information would be the dependent variable for the forecast. The competitive nature of the business market would push most company executives towards integrating the new designs into their existing organizational structure. This would mark the difference between the success and failure of the organization.

Strategic design helps align the objectives of the firm with the market trend. The future of organization design will incorporate new market strategies into the organizational structure, thus increasing the complexity. Consequently, more people would venture into different businesses, creating varieties, and increasing the shareholder’s volume. Technological advancement would be the catalyst for this change and will be the pivot of a successful investment. For example, apple had one channel and a centralized means of reaching out to her customers. This has changed with the introduction of multidimensional channels to reach out to her customers globally. The organization’s design incorporated new designs into the company’s existing structure, thus expanding its distribution channels. The strategic design would require advanced methods of integrating modern business patterns. New technologies would be integrated with existing structures. The future of organization designs rests on technological trends. For example, HP Company produces laptops, printers, and other accessories, and these products can be distributed globally using modern organizational designs. The product pattern of the organization can be transferred from one location using modern system software. This would facilitate the on-hand demand for products.

The organizational design should be updated using modern trends; thus, aligning the organization’s goal with strategic marketing (Galbraith, 2012, p. 4). The era of point to point sale would be taken over by a well-structured mechanism. The difference in organization design would be seen in the competence of the administrators and facilitators of the design. They are the key to the success of the organization’s design because they would use precise events to forecast trends that would shape the organization. As the organization hierarchy expands, the approach to an effective market structure will also change. The major difference in the organizational design of the future will be technology; otherwise, there will be no much change to the existing organizational mechanism.


Galbraith, J. (2012). The future of organization design. Journal of Organizational Design Community, 6(1), 1-6. doi:10.7146/jod.2012.1.2

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