Regional Trade Agreements in the USA

Trade agreements are one of the main means to develop the economy and to provide more opportunities for the citizens of the country. USTR (the United States Trade Representative) has the main responsibility for administering trade agreements of the USA. The main responsibilities of this organization include the monitoring of...

The Most Important Issue for the US Economy

Introduction This essay discusses the most salient issue facing the Federal government. Unemployment is ranked among the highest challenges facing the Federal government. The increase in the unemployed population serves as an impediment to the economic growth of any given economy. Hence, the federal government should rise to the occasion;...

Multinational Corporations Rule the World

Introduction A multinational corporation is a business entity that has headquarters in one country while operating in many other countries. Examples of such corporations are Shell, IBM, Coca-Cola, General Motors, and many others that operate in various countries. These multinational corporations (also called MNC) usually have a centralized control exercised...

“The Trouble With HRM” by Paul Thompson: Human Resource Management Issues

Human resource management (HRM) has always been an important area for the functioning of any enterprise. Recently, the situation in the area of recourse management has significantly worsened. Thus, numerous efforts are made to research the factors leading to such unpleasant outcomes and to develop strategies enabling improving the situation...

Project Management Organizational Change

Change is a process of introducing new policies in an organization with the aim of either improving the working conditions of the employees or increasing the productivity of the firm. In various organizations, change is always resisted as employees view change as a tool to either reduce their freedom or...

Strategies of E-commerce Overview

Introduction Given the current globalization rate, most businesses are being converted to be electronic businesses due to the many advantages that come in hand with e-business. Electronic business is a form of business that applies the modern technologies of information and communication in its operations. In this, business enterprises can...

Career Development: Organization Benefits and Services

Employee benefits and services are offered purposely to retain employees rather than to increase their productivity. They are indirect compensation to the employees as a way for companies to obtain an upper hand in the skilled labor force. Managers need to know the benefits generally since they are divided into...

Why Organizations Need for Project Management?

Introduction A project can be defined as a string of activities carried out to achieve clear goals. Projects are complex and occur once. They are not part of the daily operations of a business. Most projects are customer-focused. Besides, they are constrained by budget. A number of businesses use projects...

Project Management Situations and New Project Leader

Leadership is a core factor that determines the success of a project to be carried out. It plays a key role in deciding whether a project will be successful or not. In leading people, it is important to choose from among many leadership styles available. Three of them are commonly...

Testing and Selection of Employees

Introduction Testing is the assessment of individual competence against predetermined measures to determine job suitability and predict future performance in a given job position. In an organization are used to measure different abilities such as candidates’ personality and aptitude competence. Tests are administered at different stages of staffing such as...

Wal-Mart: Ethical Issues

Basically, there are mixed reactions to Wal-Mart’s policies on low prices which form the basis of all decisions made on the store. Though the strategy has influenced the retailing industry in the US and globally, it has impacted negatively on the employees. At Wal-Mart, payroll expenses are constantly being scrutinized,...

The Role of Information System Management in Companies

Introduction In the recent past, almost every organization has been going global; marketing its products to the external markets and this has led to the embracing of management information systems within their organization. This is a system that links people with information through technology. These people comprise the stakeholders of...

Tourism: Brand Image. The Importance of Image Marketing

Introduction Image distinguishes a variety of people, organizations, and industries. It is shaped by environmental factors and the organizational culture. In the tourism industry image is a major factor to consider i.e. image is literally everything and it defines the relationship between the target market and the industry. Image can...

Marketing Plan for Software Company

Product’s background Our company, which deals with the production of and selling of software, which monitors, manages, keeps data and retrieves it when needed from its memory. This software can also be used as an assistive means, by repeat customers, to retrieve their ‘unmet needs, by assessing the goods that...

Cross-Cultural Management at Work Organizations

Introduction Culture, by definition, is a society’s inherent way of life, through shared motives, beliefs, and identity that result from the common experiences that the society goes through, over years (House, Javidan, Hanges, and Dorfman, 2002). Culture defines people as it holds a lot of significance to individuals’ development and...

The Role of Strategic Human Resource Management in Companies

Introduction Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is the alignment of an organization’s human resources with its strategic goals and aims. As such, decisions regarding people are aligned to the goals, mission, and policies of an organization (Kathy & John, 2001; U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1999). Strategic human resource management...

Crisis Management Media Strategy

Introduction A crisis is a situation that threatens the well-being of your people, organization, career, or future. The first report made by the media determines the outcome of a crisis management scene and sets the cornerstone of the entire crisis, which persists till one overcomes the crisis. Most organizations have...

Principles of Marketing Concept

Introduction The principle of the marketing module involves the study of marketing as one of the business functions. It is a module in which we were supposed to understand the operation of the marketing concept and identify its application. Understanding of the marketing principle’s application effect on different groups and...

Hyundai Motor Company: Supply Chain and Operations

Executive Summary The transformation that Hyundai Motor Company has gone through, becoming one of the leaders of the automotive industry is partially attributed to the improvements in operations and supply chain of the company. The company implemented a hybrid production system in which there are various elements of other manufacturers...

Three Generations of Family Entrepreneurship, Conflict, and Connection

Abstract This paper shows the impact that a family running a business may encounter. It is based on a study of a family that owned a large-scale business. The business was run by brothers who were in conflict at some point. The questions tackled are such as describing how successful...

Quality and Standards: Royal Berkshire Service

Abstract The purpose of this research paper will be to explore quality standards applied by the Royal Berkshire fire and rescue service. The research will largely take a descriptive approach. The research paper will seek to review several quality assurance systems used by the Royal Berkshire fire and rescue service....

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is undertaken to ensure that businesses stay within the stipulated ethical requirements. The healthcare industry is entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of lives and ensuring high-quality healthcare to people of all age brackets and social classes. The insurance industry plays an important role...

Leadership Definition: Review of Theories

The Trait Theory The element of leadership has been described in various theories. According to Waite (2008), leadership has been greatly defined as an interactive measure between two or innumerable group members that entails both structuring and restructuring of the situation and the member’s exceptional perception. Leadership has been perceived...

Analysis of Investments and Management of Portfolios

Introduction Microanalysis and Microvaluation of the Stock Market The components of market analysis; microvaluation analysis; valuation using the earnings multiplier approach; Estimating expected earnings per share; and finally Estimating the stock earnings multiplier are essential in the microanalysis and microvaluation of the stock market. The Components of Market Analysis In...

The Stock Market in America

Introduction The business environment is one of the most dynamic and versatile in the world. Following the bankruptcy of many mortgage lenders in the U.S, there has been panic in the mortgage sector triggering liquidation of housing loans provided as collateral. The extent to which the credit crunch struck has...

Macroeconomic Policies and Economic Growth

Introduction There are two categories of economic growth that has been defined by scholars and policy makers. The first category is termed as actual growth, which is the ratio between yearly addition in national input and that of actual output expressed as a percentage. A good illustration of actual economic...

Aspects of Social Entrepreneurship

Introduction Entrepreneurship is setting enterprises that generate income. Social entrepreneurship is setting up social enterprises that help the society. It involves social entrepreneurs that help the society solve its issues. With their ambitiousness, social entrepreneurs persistently tackle the issues affecting the society using new ideas. This paper examines social entrepreneurship...

Globalization versus Financial Markets

Introduction Globalization is a supporting, edifying and ideological configuration in order to build an utterly material process. However, within the financial perspective globalization refers to product market and labor distribution respectively (Rybiński, p. 1). This essay seeks to analyze the benefits of globalization on financial markets. The benefits of globalization...

Budget Deficit Reductions

Introduction A budget deficit is a situation where there is excessive government expenditure than the available funds for expenditure or savings. The U.S government has been realizing budget deficits each year that have seen the public debt soar. It is important that a government spend within its means to avoid...

The Turkish Economy: the Affect of the Global Crisis

The recent global economic crisis affected the economies of various countries in a tremendous way. In economic terms, it is impossible to think of a country whose economy was ton affected by the financial meltdown. Turkey is one of the countries whose economies were not spared by the crisis. Its...

The Politics of South Country Budgeting

Introduction Administrator George Wiley and a bunch of County Commissioners who total to seven members are managing South County. The office of Management and budget (OMB) is in charge of preparing a budget. This budget is used in the county for various development activities and Mike Ketchum heads the department....

Post World War II Economy in Europe

Since the end of the Second World War, there have been major developments in the European countries. Some of the crucial and notable developments are the up come of the Euro. This currency is ever increasing in its rating and has grown to surpass the dollar. Most of the European...

Marketing in Multinationals: the USA vs. Japan

Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate different multinational companies; two based in USA and one from Japan. The study will focus on each companys profile, scope of operation and its marketing strategy. This will help in understanding differences in the company strategies and their similarities in particular...

International Money Laundering

Abstract The international money transfer system has been derailed by various financial crimes like tax evasion and money laundering. This paper will focus on money laundering as an abuse to international money transfer. Money laundering is the illegal act of financial transfer in which there is disguise of identity, source,...

Foreign Direct Investments and Decision Factors

Introduction The stiff competition which has engulfed the business arena calls for equivalent strong marketing strategies in order for companies to thrive in the market. The recent economic downturn has negatively affected the operations of many companies. In addition, cultural, political and economic factors have continued to play a significant...

Multinational Corporations: Transaction and Risks

Introduction Multinational companies are faced with numerous business risks compared to firms operating on a domestic scale (Mockler 2002, p. 65). One of the risks that these firms face relates to foreign exchange risks. Foreign exchange risk arises from the fact that different currencies are used in the firm’s process...

Globalization and International Business

Critique of Porter’s Diamond Model Michael Porter uses this model to explain that nations can generate new highly- developed-factor-endowments amongst which are the strong base of knowledge. He employed a diamond-shaped diagram as the framework within which he illustrated the determinants of (state) advantage. The model has its side of...

Columbus and Ohio School Funding

Strong children – strong community It is not a secret that our future depends on our children: if our children would be happy and realize their mission and purpose of life, understand what is wrong and what is right, feel their role as a part of a society, it means...

Trade-Off Between Economic Development and the Environment

Introduction Economic activities across the world occur following people’s pursuit for environmental development that would yield better living standards and higher quality of life. In the realm of such economic activities and the natural environment, lies the interplay of many interactions due to resources drawn from the same environment. In...

“Too Big To Fail” by Andrew Ross Sorkin

Introduction Too big to fail is a book that highly analyzes the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009. The book correctly outlines the major activities that happened before and during the inward explosion of the economy worldwide in 2007 and 2008. Activities that happened in the meeting rooms of...

International Monetary Fund: Lender of Last Resort

Introduction IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It’s an international monetary body comprising of member of different states which came together in order to synchronize and meet their monetary economic demands. IMF like other monetary bodies such as World Bank plays vital roles in not only stabilizing monetary base among...

Customers and Their Needs

Executive Summary The quality of customer service plays a significant role in every profit-making business. It not only determines the ability (or lack) of a firm to attract and maintain its clients but also influences the bottom line of the firm. How can a firm retain its customers? How can...

The Effects Of Foreign Investments On Turkey

Introduction Turkey is among the most robust and fast-growing economies in the world. It thrives greatly on foreign investments. Being the target of both European and United States investors, as well as some investors across from the Middle East, it offers the right place for investments (Douglass & O’ Neil,...

Commercially Viable Fish Species – Aquarium Fishes

Introduction Viable fish species have not been spared by the fluctuations that have marred the marine ecosystem. Both anthropogenic and natural interferences have led to their decline though efforts are being made to preserve them. Some of the most common aquarium fishes include catfish, cyprinids, bichirs, characins, redfish, Coraciiformes, cichlids,...

Human Resource Manager

Welfare of Personnel The upholding of the welfare of employees in the company is a very crucial element of organizational success. In its provision of high-quality learning of the English language, English should strive to make sure that the employees’ rights are upheld. As a human resource manager, it will...

Business Process Management

Introduction Business process management involves managing all activities of an organization supporting the expectation of customers. It promotes efficiency and effectiveness of business, focusing on continuous improvement. Process breakthrough method is a business process that ensures that an organization moves from one level to another every time, it involves processes...

Colossal Motor Company: Business Ethics and Conduct in Mexico

Introduction Business ethics and conduct is professional ethics involving business ethical principles and molar that should be applied by both individuals and organizations. Business ethics examines individual molar conduct and ethical problems that arise in a business setup. Business ethics and code of conduct is a normative discipline with corporate...

The Use of E-business in Marketing

Introduction This paper explores the major business functions in this information age. The rate at which information is moving into this society has revolutionized different sectors of the economy. The business operations and functionalities have been swept away by the internet capabilities and major online services available over the internet....

Patterns of Human Resource Development

Introduction Human resource development is regarded as one of the key aspects of keeping the employees qualified. In fact, the topic is extensively regarded in various business media, and the helpful strategies that are highlighted in media are closely linked with improving communication strategies between management and employees. The aim...

Organizational Management, Communication and Cultural Styles

Introduction Recently, many organizations have been coming up. They have been offering different job opportunities to people. These organizations have different types of culture, communication and management styles. The workers have to adapt to these styles in order to fit better in the organization. This paper discusses different types of...

Features of the WTO and Different Arguments

Introduction The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that manages trade relationships and international trade among all its member nations. It was formed in January 1995 and it establishes rules and policies that member nations should follow. The rules reduce trade barriers amongst member nations and create a...

Trade between India and the United States

Trade between the US and India has increased since India gained Independence in 1947. Right after independence, during the early 1950s and 1960s, the US and India had been big trading partners. About a third of India’s imports came from United States (Martin). Nonetheless, trade between the two countries decreased...

Japan: Political and Economic Environment

Executive summary When looking for a potential market for an investor, there are various considerations that one ought to make to be certain that his or her products or services will get a ready market in the target country. Some of these factors include the demographic structure of the country,...

Economics. Federal Reserve Bank and Money

One of the major uses of money is that it is a standard of deferred payments. This implies that based on the legal acceptance of money, it is used to settle debts. Federal Reserve Bank has adopted the electronic payment systems in the form of credit cards and debit cards...

The Origins of the Mortgage Crisis in the USA

Introduction The World financial crisis of 2007-2010 is considered to be the strongest collapse since the Great Depression. It started in the US and gradually grasped the national economies throughout the World. The following factors are considered to be the reasons for the World crisis: US monetary policy; Huge disbalance...

Initiating Successful Businesses in Foreign Countries

Introduction Globalization has allowed different countries and regions to operate in an integrated manner through the formation of communication and trade networks across different parts of the world making it easy for people to conduct business across cultural, economic, political, and trade boundaries. Most countries are now able to trade...

Latin American Economic Problem

Introduction This paper is based on the article “Mexican president condemns Arizona immigrant law”, appearing in the Houston chronicles of April 26, 2010. The article was written on a reaction speech by President Felipe Calderon on the Arizona immigrant law. The President and other political leaders from Mexico view the...

Consumer Decision-Making: Purchasing a Cell Phone

Abstract Consumer behavior and needs have become integral in the marketing and development of mobile phones and applications. This has led marketers and manufacturers to do profound research on consumer needs and interests when buying cell phones and their applications. Lately, a cell phone bubble is being experienced. Smart applications...

Measuring the Unemployment Rate in USA

Introduction A country is said to have unemployment if there are people of working age who are willing and able to work under the prevailing economic conditions but they cannot find opportunities. The level of unemployment of a country varies depending on the prevailing economic conditions. For instance, during the...

Ethical, Moral, and Personal Issues in Business

Ethics refer to social system behavior. Every society has standards or codes that individuals are expected to follow. Individuals who follow the code are said to be ethical. Consequently, due to diverse ethical codes conflicts are inevitable because the parties have different moral rules. Ethical issues are diverse in a...

Verizon Wireless Corporation’s Low Employee Job Satisfaction

Introduction Overview of the Organization Verizon Wireless Corporation is a U.S. based mobile phone Company that was formed in 2000.The company has an approximately 93 million subscribers. Being headquarted in Basking ridge, Verizon wireless serves high number of customers leading to a generation of high revenue. The successful expansion of...

Charitable Organizations’ Differentiation Strategy

Introduction Nonprofit organizations refer to those businesses which operate under strict rules that restrict distribution of profit to its shareholders (Modia & Mishraa 2010). According to this organization, the term profit refers to any excess of revenues over the expenditure (Ramírez 2010). Businesses which belong to nonprofit organizations are organized...

The Current Global Crisis: Future of Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance is peculiar in its basic principles and norms on which it is grounded. In this respect the harmful effect of the world economic crisis touched upon it is different a bit in contrast to Western-style finance. It is no surprise, however, where the main controversial factor lies when...

Ethical Standards in the International Business

Introduction Ethics refers to a code of conduct, rules, norms, and troubles established by people in business organizations. On the other hand, International business refers to a situation where people do business worldwide. Corporate culture plays a significant role in modeling business ethics as well as shaping organizational behavior. How...

Performance Management Implementation and Employee Development

Introduction Performance management is a crucial constituent of any business management system. The current rate of increase in competition and organizational changes calls for organizations to implement performance management so as to ensure that their employees work towards improving the competitive edge of the organization as well as offering efficient...

Western Water Corporation’s Operating Context

According to SGV (2009), the Western Water Corporation is one of the leading companies in Victoria specializing in provision of water and sewage services. The company covers an area of about 3000 square kilometers and offers its services to more than 140,000 people. As it has been revealed, Western Water...

Why Countries Like New Zealand Should Participate in Regional Trade Agreements?

Introduction The lack of sustained development on world trade liberalisation has influenced the increasing attention that regional free trade agreements (FTAs) continue to receive. New Zealand is a small economy and as a result, one of its major objectives is to become a more vigorous player in the international economy...

Kudler Fine Foods Company’s Product Launch Plan

Market needs and Market Growth Marketing is very important to any organization that wants to thrive, It is used as a tool by the organization to relate to its customers; this is done with the basic aim of the organization deriving benefit from it. This work is focused on the...

General Electric Firm’s Organizational Change & Leaders

Introduction GE introduced a number of changes that saw it increase its revenues substantially from the early 1980s when John Welch entered the leadership as the CEO, to the late 1990s (1999) when he was approaching retirement. Managerial as well as organizational changes in the company saw it hit the...

Apple iPhone 3GS and Its Success in Australia

Introduction Most companies in the world of capitalism always want more. They want more profit, more shareholder value, and more market share, among others. The realizations of these objectives have been attained through the successful initiation, development and management of marketing in most instances. Indeed, the effective development and management...

Employee Performance Management and Development

Introduction Factors causing the employee’s dissatisfaction For customers to perform very well in an organization, employees must be satisfied in their jobs. Job satisfaction enhances the performance of employees in every organization and it also motivates the employees in their work. There are many factors which are causing employee’s dissatisfaction,...

Work-Life Balance and Employee Performance

Introduction Proposition According to the research (Yasbek, 2004) concerning work-life balance and the correlation between the productivity met by the employees, stress has combated their work life leading to low productivity or even less. Upon noticing this trend, issues and questions on what ways can be met in order to...

Woolworths Company’s Organizational Behavior

Introduction An organization is defined as a “social arrangement that works towards achieving common goals, controls its functions and performance and has a boundary separating it from the surrounding.” (Prasad, 2007, p. 3) Organizations develop their codes of conduct and discipline which stipulate the working relationship between members. This paper...

Knowledge Management Systems and Technologies

Introduction Client data is one of the most important information in the context of a commercial organization. For the systematic approach towards the finalization of all the deals and other aspects of client’s process one should carefully enlist all the client data in proper files. This can be very useful...

Flexible Workplaces for Today’s Organizations

Introduction The changes and demands of the workplace are very important to be dealt with to affect the lives of the workers positively. This also increases the employees’ productivity and they are challenged to work in a very smart and effective way. The employees are striving to attain a balance...

KPMG Company’s Organizational Culture

One key job of a leader is to promote collective effort in the organization; the leader should ensure there is an organizational culture in a company. This will have an impact on the building, influencing, and changing people’s attitudes. The collective effort in any company, is an essential tool for...

Business Ethics and Its Fundamentals

Introduction Every human setting in the world has been under guidance of the universally accepted codes of conduct. These codes of conduct are based upon the human relations upon exchange of ideas and properties that exemplify a business. Before the establishment of many companies and institutions in the world of...

Toyota Motor Corporation: Company Analysis

Overview Toyota Motor Corporation is the largest manufacturer of automobile. It manufactures different model of automobiles which are differently branded. The Corporation is headquartered in Japan. This paper examines the current micro and macro-environment and the human resource needs on its strategy. Current Micro-Economic Environment Some of the Toyota Motor...

Risk Management: Safety Case

Scope of the Case There are various ways of explaining the concept of a safety case. However, a safety case may be formally defined as “A documented body of evidence that provides a convincing and valid argument that a system is adequately safe for a given application in a given...

Marketing Plan for a Full-Service Airline

Executive Summary Demand for frequent, flexible and efficient airline services by business travelers has made it possible for full-service airlines to operate despite the emergence of low-cost carriers. One of the full-service airline companies that have managed to continue with its operations is Kamuga Airlines located in California. The company...

The Concept of Value Disequilibrium

One of the most important aspects of recent business strategies is the concept of value disequilibrium. It is a concept where the services which means providing the customers with either goods or services that have more value than they have expected or even the product they have brought. This is...

Managing Change: Change Models and Initiatives

Introduction Change is part of every organization involved in business or any kind of activity. Therefore managing change is an important discipline for all organizations. The development of change initiatives and models involves certain procedures and considerations. The perceptions of stakeholders as well as their cultural orientation play an important...

Pricing Strategy Apple iPad Versus Amazon Kindle

Introduction Typical laws of demand and supply would indicate to a company that charges a higher price for the products is justified as long as the market can tolerate it. This strategy becomes more convincing especially when a company is introducing new and exceptional products in the market that other...

Development and Management – Branding Strategy

Introduction Most companies in the world of capitalism always want more. They want more profit, more shareholder value, and more market share, among others. The realizations of these objectives have been attained through the successful initiation, development and management of brands in most instances. Indeed, the effective development and management...

Retail Marketing and Industrial Marketing

Introduction For almost a century, marketing has made massive steps to become a recognized and respected discipline. At the same time, marketing as a concept has been evolving and adapting to different definitions; indeed, it is the definition of marketing by Kotler and Keller (cited in Falkenreck 24) that, in...

Strategic Management Description

There have been issues in getting a conclusive definition for Strategic management; experts all over the world have different ways of viewing the issue of strategic management hence the derivation of a different definition for it. According to Tyndall, Cameron, and Taggart in their book “Strategic planning and management guidelines...

New Venture Development: Pkolino Company

Introduction Internal analysis of a business helps one to identify the strengths of the business and capitalize on them in order to have an edge in the market (Kotler 2007, p.319). It also involves the identification of the business weaknesses so that one can work towards overcoming them. Pkolino deals...

Cultural Sensitivity Problem

Introduction In addressing his co-workers, the chairperson of Intel Company, Andrew Grove, once told them that the only way that a firm can advance in the long term is by integrating global thinking. In addition, he also asserted that it is possible to brainstorm ideas regarding a particular business venture...

Management of Job Stresses

Management in any organization is very crucial especially when it comes to dealing with employees. This is because of the employees’ stresses in places of work resulting from lack of good care from their managers. As a result of this, most of the employees are known to value a caring...

Leadership and Governance Reflection

Introduction Leadership and governance are basic strategies that companies need to embrace in their daily operations to make their operations to be of great importance. My understanding of corporate governance is that it varies among companies as factors are determining the design and structure of the board. This includes the...

The Concept of Leadership

Introduction Public sector organizations are usually found in a dilemma due to the changing needs of the time. As far as leadership is concerned a lot of transformation has been experienced in the public sector organization. The greatest paradox of the time that haunts the public sector organizations is the...

Corporate Governance Role in an Organization

Introduction The wellbeing of any corporation is dependent on the nature of governance that is being utilized in the corporation (Clarke 2007, pp.9-11). The two main models of corporate governance are the coordinated model and the liberal model. The liberal model is sometimes referred to as the Anglo-American model of...

Miele Company Limited: Resources

Introduction The success of a firm is essentially dependent on the resources that the firm has and the way it manages to exploit them. The resources of the company, in addition to its competencies and capabilities, have an important role in creating a competitive advantage that the organization can utilize....

Business Management and Trade Unions Relationship

Introduction A trade union is an effective organized body of employees of the same trade or similar occupations purposely to achieve better working conditions for its members. While the primary aim of every business management is to maximize profit. The relationship between these two has always been sour. Aggressive managers...

Leadership Skills, Group Styles of Nelson Mandela

Introduction The ability to lead a group of people or a whole country is basically not an easy task. Acquiring leadership skills may call for clear understanding on how to execute authority over people. However there are some individuals who obtain leadership skills right from their birth. In other words,...

3M Company: Case Study

Introduction Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, commonly known as 3M Company, is a multinational company with its headquarters located at Minnesota, United States. The company was established in the 1902 and produces a wide rang of products (more than 50,000). Some of the products that the firm produces include adhesives,...

Labor Economics: Wages

Introduction Labor economics is apprehensive of establishing an understanding of the operations and the forces that impact the labor market. The labor markets operate via the dealings of the laborers and the employers in the market. Thus, labor economics is concerned with evaluating the actions of labor suppliers and those...

Wal-Mart: Case Study About the Growth and Its Limitations

How Wal-Mart Could Continue with the Growth Strategy Wal-Mart topped the list as the world’s largest retailer by the year 2002 by using a strategy of selling branded products in the United States. The company has also applied the low price strategy which also comes with the benefits of eliminating...

Kudler Fine Foods: Strategic Plan Update

Introduction Kudler Fine Foods rose out of Kathy Kudler’s passion for gourmet cooking and it was a result of Katy’s frustration of having to travel all over town to look for ingredients for the preparation of a simple meal. Since the opening of its first store in 1998 in La...