Emerging Issue in Cross-Cultural Psychology

What are emerging issues? In the field of multicultural psychology, psychologists are concerned with studying how people and human behavior vary. Emerging issues in multicultural settings are those aspects of humans that are found to differ among individuals and cause many concerns. It would be expected that persons characterized by...

Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice

“The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and Practice,” offers detailed information on conflict resolution, managing conflicts in a constructive way and effective use of win-win solutions. This is book is meant for both students and professionals who want to have a deeper understanding on matters concerning conflicts and the knowledge...

Measures of Emotional and Behavioral Functioning

Introduction Objective personality tests draw their meaning from the word “objective.” This simply means that these tests can be scored objectively. In simple terms, scoring in these tests does not call for either professional training or any form of judgment. As opposed to projective personality measures that call for some...

Sigmund Freud: Psychosexual Development Theory

According to Sigmund Freud, a psychologist, human personality can be seen to develop in stages with every stage having some pleasure-seeking energy that are focused in a certain area in human development; in his psychosexual development theory, he establishes the following areas in human development: Oral stage: according to the...

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development: Stages of Development in Children

Cognitive Stage Task A Child Can Perform The Sensory Motor Stage This stage includes newborn babies to two year olds. Piaget believed that a child’s first ideas about the way things operate are concerned with movement. Babies’ behavior is usually reflexive as it is triggered by a stimulus. They cope...

Psychopharmacological Treatment of Anxiety in Children

Introduction Anxiety in children is a factor that has been known to interfere in children such that they get additional self evaluation with themselves. When children suffer from this problem, they practice some avoidance attitudes in some situations. The children grow with a functional breakdown which can lead to poor...

Piaget’s Theory Of Attention and Learning

Introduction Jean Piaget is one of the most influential theorists on child development. Cognitions refer to the mental processes through which people can learn and utilize what has been learned in solving problems for a long time many people strongly believe that cognition influences the ability of different people to...

Human Nature’s and State of Nature’s Relationship

Introduction The idea of nature is of fundamental concern to philosophers. Human nature and the existence of humans in their natural settings have attracted arguments from a number of important philosophers. By living together, human beings are more likely to enter into conflicts and disagreements. At the same time, humans...

Human Development: Cognitive Development of Children

This research looked at how the environment affects the cognitive development of a growing child. Human beings are born with blank brains such that they come to the environment without knowing anything in the world. The place in which an individual is brought up affects the way that person develops...

Perceptual Motor Development

Introduction According to (Adams, 1964), It is difficult to separate perceptual activities from motor activities since perceptual concepts have their foundation in motor abilities. There is a correlation between a child’s efficiency in thinking with his/her motor abilities as well as activities where the former depends on the later. The...

Language Development Methods in Child

Introduction The development of language varies according to the initiation of the significant factors related to the primary subject. Looking at a clearer perspective, children of young age usually adapt to the environment which they have been introduced. Learning is something that starts at home and with the people that...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Soldiers

Introduction Post Traumatic Stress Disordered abbreviated as PTSD denotes an anxiety disorder that culminates from exposure to either one or more terrifying experiences that may have threat or caused grave physical harm. (Brunet A, Akerib V, Birmes P (2007). PTSD is severe and an ongoing emotional reaction to the extreme...

Psychological Disorders Analysis

Introduction Psychological disorder is also referred to as mental disorder or psychiatric disorder. This is a pattern of psychological or behavioral symptoms, which have effects in someone’s life and form distress for the individuals suffering from such symptoms. However, the abnormality is a term that is hard to describe because...

Autism During Lifespan Development Stages

Autism is one of the mental impairments that results in impaired social communication, social interaction, and social imagination. This paper tackles how autism affects these social aspects and how consequently it affects developmental tasks in lifespan. The paper will explore each stage of development, highlighting the tasks associated with each...

Domestic Violence: How to Understand and Define It

Introduction In general terms, domestic violence can be defined as incidents of aggressive conduct, violence, or abuse amongst people who are or who have been in a close or reliant connection or relationship not considering the sexual category. According to Astbury, Atkinson, Duke, Easteal, Kurrle, Tait & Turner (2), in...

Workplace Motivation and Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

Introduction In any organization, motivating employees is very important since motivated employees help improve the productivity. The content theories of motivation seek to understand what motivates employees and energizes, directs and sustains them as they give their best for an organization. The four main content theories of motivation include Maslow’s...

Factors That May Influence Personality Development

Introduction People who are not engaged in the research regarding the issue of personality usually perceive it as a set of characteristics that distinguish them from each other. Regularly people who do not view personality from the psychological perspective distinguish between good or bad personality and never take into consideration...

The Philosophical Debate On Punishment

Introduction Crime is a problem facing the global population, but one for which a solution exists. It must be met head-on with a hard-line approach. The criminal is a social “enemy” who deserves condemnation and retaliation. The answer lies in the ability of the criminal justice system to catch, convict,...

The Effect of Parental Divorce on the Child

Children are not the chooser of the circumstanced through which they grow up in their childhood. However, the childhood environment of family and background affects the child’s life chances as an adult. Growing up with a single parent has become increasingly common since the second half of the 29th century....

Carl Jung Referring to Painter Hieronymus Bosch

Psychologist Carl Jung referred to Painter Hieronymus Bosch as being a master of the monstrous and discoverer of the unconscious. What Carl Jung actually meant was that Hieronymus Bosch was an artistic genius as he had the rare gift of unraveling mysteries that were hidden beyond the ordinary eyes as...

Nonverbal Communication Characteristics of People Different Situations

Introduction Communication is of two types: Verbal and Nonverbal. Even though most of the importance is given to Verbal communication; that is the words we use, our sentences, etc; one must not forget nonverbal communication is if not equally, then a lot more important than verbal communication. Nonverbal Communication refers...

“The Absorbent Mind” by Maria Montessori: Child’s Education

Introduction The book under consideration is “The absorbent mind” by Maria Montessori, which offers one of the methods of teaching, where the first six years are taken as the most crucial stages of development. The title of the book, which is going to be discussed, has the symbolic meaning: some...

Behavioral Analysis Case Description

Introduction To begin with there is strong necessity to mention that behavioral analysis is generally regarded to be one of the key tasks of the Human Resource Management strategy. The fact is that, the main principles of behavioral analysis presuppose the implementation derived principles, which entail the analysis of the...

Biological and Psychological Basis of Learning

Relationship between Memory and Learning Memory and learning are closely interrelated because having memory is not necessary if its possessor never uses it while learning without memory is simply impossible. Memory is extremely important for a person because, without it, an individual has only basic reflexes and is capable of...

Working Memory and Learning

Abstract Memory is very important in general life including school life. It plays an important role in processing information, storage, and retrieval of the information stored. In school, students are presented with new information and the working memory plays an important role in the processing and retention of this information....

Industrial Psychology Definition

Industrial psychology can be described as the application of psychological concepts to the issues and problems that arise in business, industries, and other organizational settings (Industrial and organizational psychology, 2006). It is the understanding of individuals about motivation, decision making, leadership, teamwork, human resource management, and personnel selection and training....

Gender Differences in Human Development

Human growth and development occur in males and females with diverse traits. The development types can be categorized as physical growth and moral maturity. Moral development can be associated with the surroundings and teachings received by an individual. Sexual category plays a major role in the process of learning and...

Traits Theory by Curl Jung and Its Criticism

Introduction There has been interest among psychologists, more specifically the personologists, to find out about people’s feelings, beliefs, acts and perceptions. There has been interest to find out those traits that are broad and possibly genetically based as well as those that are peculiar and can change easily. Trait Theories...

Memory and Types of Information

Introduction The process of memorizing information touches upon the types of this very information. It can be pleasant or unpleasant. It can be with positive or negative coloring or consequences as well. All in all, people do not mind complex psychological mechanisms which provide more emphasis for recalling information. In...

Rene Descartes’ “Meditation Six on First Philosophy”

Since the very beginnings of philosophic thought, attempts have been made to understand the essence of the human mind and the peculiarities of its relationship with the body. The idea that there could exist certain speculative phenomena which do not necessarily obtain in the reality led the thinkers to the...

IQ Testing – Biased or Useful?

During the course of recent decades, the voices of those who call for the abandonment of IQ testing as “racist” and “biased”, are becoming increasingly louder. Again and again we are being told that bit is something absolutely inappropriate to subject the representatives of racial minorities in Western countries to...

Three Types of Thinking

To begin with, let us mention that “thinking” is the most important of all human abilities, because due to this extraordinary ability there appeared Homo sapiens that is considered to be the king of nature today. This does not mean that other inhabitants of our planet do not think, it...

Heredity vs. Environment in Development

Human beings can be said to develop depending on many factors which are associated with their upbringing. A mature person, therefore, is assumed to behave in a way that can easily exhibit his/her conditions that they were brought up in. Hereditary and environmental factors can greatly determine the development of...

Decision Making Human Models

All human decisions are guided by different models that become their choice due to a certain set of factors they take into consideration. There are many models that are enacted under different circumstances, and it appears at times that people cannot explain why they have committed this or that action....

General Systems Theory: Family

The general systems theory was proposed by a biologist known as Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the year 1928 and advanced by Lotfi Zadeh an academician at the University of Columbia. It has since undergone transformation and improvement to include biological systems that incorporate life of human beings. The theory explores...

The Role of Self-Esteem in Decision Making

Abstract Individuals are motivated to maintain a sense of consistency among their beliefs and perceptions about themselves. When there is a discrepancy between the actual self and the ideal self, individual experience distress. As human beings we need positive self-esteem; to feel good about ourselves. This need can be so...

Generation Y Characterization

It is not a secret that to make up the visual image of the development of human society and history, we should draw a spiral, where each coil will symbolize a single generation. That means that it is possible to draw a border between generations and this border will be...

Marriage and Family Therapy Psychologists

1950s 1st place The first-place winner in the field of marriage and family therapy in the 1950s is to be awarded to Gregory Bateson, a social scientist, British anthropologist, and cybernetics. His contribution to the area of family therapy is to be recognized as the most considerable; in 1956 Gregory...

Psychological Concepts and Connections

In the current essay, I am going to give a brief review of the information studied during the whole semester on the subject of psychology. The course met my expectations on it in the full sense; it happened to be very interesting and thought-provoking to learn different aspects of psychology...

Cognitive Dissonance: Types, Social Experiment

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that states the condition of an individual in turmoil. Such a state appears when there are two conflicts contradicting each other in mind. The conflicts can either be actions that are opposite to your beliefs or against what you perceive as your attitude. A...

Issues in Behavioral Abnormality

“A bugged-out exterminator, Jerry Sanchez, 37 years old went berserk on the D train early Saturday, Nov 28, 2009, fatally plunging a knife into a fellow traveler’s neck, 36-year-old Dwight Johnson after they argued over a seat. The train conductor locked the doors and informed the police, who arrested the...

John Stuart Mill’s “Utilitarianism” Book

Beginning his preliminary observations, Mill commences by detecting some sort of a crisis in ethical belief due to the inability of people to reach an agreement on the foundation of the philosophical doctrines of “right” and “wrong”. Mill debates the necessity of encompassing this type of an establishment or foundation...

Moral Philosophy and Ethical Theory

Moral philosophy also popularly known as the field of ethics entails the organization, shielding, and advocating the perception of correct and incorrect conduct based on the various theories. This branch of philosophy relates to practical duty, to achieve moral standards by involving the articulation of good habits that should be...

Ideal City in “The Republic” by Plato

The ideal city portrayed by Plato represents a complex account of the relation between nature and nurture, the state and population, society and governance. Describing an the ideal city, Plato underlines that people are all born with physical and intellectual equipment that makes them suited to perform some tasks better...

“Soul-Making Theodicy” by John Hick

Introduction Either today or during ancient times, people always want or wanted to know why something evil happens to them. They developed different theories, approaches, and concepts to justify their statements. This course contains several tasks where readings enhance students’ understanding of the philosophy of religion. The problem of evil...

Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge

What are the goals of science? Is science the only reliable method for finding out about the world? If not, how else do we come to know truth? As a collective institution and discipline, science has the challenging and broad objective of producing explanations for phenomena in the natural world....

Evil in Our Life

When arguing the existence or non-existence of God, it is important to keep in mind that humanity still does not possess the required level of knowledge to make irrefutable conclusions. The main paradox here lies in the fact that by even stating that God does not exist, a person is...

“Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Introduction Many stories revolve around a strong lead character with a developed personality and an interesting theme that is able to engage a reader. Although tragedy as a genre often relies on actions more than characters, some tragic heroes become the center and the embodiment of the story of the...