The Development of Cognitive Psychology as a Discipline


Cognitive psychology is considered to be a science investigating all types of internal mental processes connected with memory, language and problem solution. This branch is one of the most recent additions to psychological sphere which started its development in previous century.

The field of cognitive science is filled with such branches as linguistics, biology, anthropology and philosophy; discoveries in the field of brain mysteries are connected with through study of behavioral aspect of human life developed by cognitive psychology. (Wright, 1993)

Cognitive Psychology

Psychological branch is merely concentrated on the experimentation method being combined with the elements of computer and mathematical models. It should be noted that cognitive psychology is usually specified through the following facts:

  • Introspection rejection and acceptance of scientific method;
  • It recognizes the existence of such mental conditions as desire, motivation and belief.

Cognitive psychology has a close connection to interdisciplinary cognitive science; it should be noted that modern terms like, artificial intelligence, neuroscience etc. have clear influence on this psychological branch development. The experimental approach is used in order to study human cognition, while in computational approach mathematical calculations and computational models are used for finding one’s cognition. (Hayes, 2008)

Cognitive psychology illustrates human mind as a processor of the computer system considering human mind and brain are systems which are formed by evolution. One of the core concepts in behavioral observations is consciousness; it is complicated to investigate though self-knowledge and informational access make this concept the most significant one influencing human manner of behavior. (Balota, & Marsh, 2004)

Key Milestones

The analysis of internal mental process conducted by means of cognitive psychological approaches allowed to identify principle milestones in the cognitive psychology development; they are the following:


It is a psychological method of providing aid to the client through experimental techniques and relationships building. The basic aim is directed to increase of patient’s well being and reduction of personal discomfort. Psychotherapy is referred to the interpersonal invitation helping the patient to cope with major life problem and reach their potential.


This branch is considered to be aimed at investigation and study of mental distress and illnesses; besides, in most cases psychopathology deal with behavior manifestation and psychological impairment. A number of famous psychologists contributed to the study of metal disease treatment being interested in descriptive psychopathology underlining principle symptoms and syndromes. The area of cognitive psychology considers this branch to be connected with any experience or behavior leading to distress, impairment and disability.


This branch is closely connected with technique and theory of psychological and educational measurement covering measurement of abilities, personality traits and knowledge. It covers a number of theoretical approaches developed by well known psychologists and contains various scientific methods. The principle concepts are validity and reliability being an integral part of classical test theory.


Suicide phenomenon is gradually widening throughout the world; a great number of people stick to this “solution” being under the pressure of psychological mental traumas. Cognitive psychology contributed to the reduction of phenomenon promotion through investigation behavioral peculiarities under the pressure of mental disorders. (Sternberg & Mio, 2005)


Cognitive psychology is considered to be an integral part of modern psychological sciences. This paper managed to highlight the basic aspects of cognitive psychology and its importance. Key milestones analysis has demonstrated their role in cognitive psychology development and contribution of the science to behavioral observations.


Balota, D. A., & Marsh, Elizebath J. (2004). Cognitive psychology. Psychology press.

Hayes, J. (2008). Cognitive Psychology: thinking and creating. Dorsey Press.

Sternberg, R. & Mio, J. S. (2005). Cognitive Psychology. 4th Edition. Thomson/Wadsworth.

Wright, Jesse H., et al. (1993). Cognitive therapy with inpatient: the cognitive model of psychopathology, Guilford Press. Web.

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