Free Online Summary Generator Tool

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Do you want to be productive and stay away from information overload? We introduce to you a highly useful tool: an online summary generator. You might already know that summarizers help you quickly grasp the meaning of a text. This article will help you discover new ways of using text compactors. You will also be introduced to:

  1. various types of essay summaries;
  2. ways to avoid plagiarism;
  3. answers to common questions about summarizing.
Free Online Summary Generator Tool.

✅ How the Summarizer Works

Today’s machine learning mechanisms can process texts of any complexity. This technology allows our summarizer:

  1. analyze a text in less than a second;
  2. use algorithms that recognize keywords and main ideas;
  3. identify the most important information;
  4. present a summary without plagiarism.

The summarizer can be used for many purposes. Let’s take a look at some of them.

🖥️ Other Uses of the Summarizing Tool

Nowadays, the ability to provide maximum information in a few words is highly valued. Summaries are used for college assignments, in resumes, scientific articles, and many other areas. Keep reading to learn how to use the online summarizer for these purposes.

📄 As a Resume Text Generator

A resume contains information about one’s background, skills, and achievements. Resumes play a massive role in the hiring process. With the text compactor, you can:

  1. write out everything you want to include in the resume;
  2. let the summary generator modify your text;
  3. create a well-structured document.

✏️ As a Word Condenser

Are you guilty of writing wordy essays? Shortening a text without distorting its meaning is a challenging task. Here's what you can do:

  1. paste the text in the generator;
  2. increase the number of sentences for the summary to meet the required word count;
  3. get a concise version of your essay.

📔 As an Abstract Maker

An abstract is a summary of a paper's key points. In MLA and APA styles, it goes right after the title page. To develop an abstract, you need to:

  • submit the text in the compactor;
  • select the required number of sentences;
  • use the result in your paper.

📖 As a Conclusion Generator

The conclusion is an essential part of any written assignment. It needs to reflect the main aspects of the text. It means that the summary generator can work as a conclusion tool. The summarizer will extract key ideas from each paragraph and use topic sentences to compose your paper's well-structured ending.

📝 Types of Essay Summaries

There are two main types of essay summaries: true and interpretive. Here is how to tell them apart:

  1. True summary:
    • reviews key points and supporting elements;
    • doesn’t give an opinion on the text, but presents an overall picture;
    • might outline the background of the submitted work.
  2. Interpretive summary:
    • notifies the reader about the content of the text;
    • reveal the author’s standpoint on the subject;
    • best used to introduce a source that will be analyzed.

As you can see, these summary types present information in different ways. Choose which one is more suitable for your assignment.

👌 How to Summarize without Plagiarism

Plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental, is not allowed in academic writing. Here are several techniques that can help you write any summary without plagiarism.

  1. Paraphrase.

    Try to sum up the text in different words. Use synonyms or a summarizing tool such as ours.

  2. Use quotes and citations.

    It is good to mention one or two quotes in your summary. Don't forget to use quotation marks and name the source of your findings.

    In the words of Rockefeller, "The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.
  3. Cite your sources.

    Every piece of information that didn't come from you should be credited. To avoid plagiarism, make sure always to check format requirements and follow them thoroughly.

    Most teachers agree that accidental plagiarism is not a willful act (Sutherland-Smith 20).

Now let's take a look at summarizing hacks for different types of assignments.

🔬 How to Summarize a Research Paper

When writing a research paper summary, make sure to:

  • paraphrase critical points of the text;
  • include the primary factual evidence;
  • avoid getting into analysis or explanations;
  • cite your sources correctly.

Like any other format, APA has citation guidelines. It means there are specific requirements for every type of source, whether it’s a website, an article, or a book. Here are the basics:

  1. The in-text citation has to mention the author's last name and the publication year.The research has determined a correlation with the motivation level of a student and the likelihood of them committing plagiarism (Sprajc et al., 2017.)
  2. The reference page includes full information about the source, including its title, publisher, and all authors. Sprajc, P., Urh, M., Jerebic, J., Trivan, D., & Jereb, E. (2017). Reasons for plagiarism in higher education. Organizacija.

📰 How to Write a Good Summary of an Article

Usually, articles contain lots of information. It includes research data and factual evidence. Here is how you can summarize an article without plagiarizing:

  1. express the main objective of the text;
  2. include only the essential aspects;
  3. use your own words;
  4. cite directs quotes and other sources;
  5. be concise.

It is also helpful to use an outline. This template is suitable for outlining a news article summary or a literature review:

  • Introduction. Include the overall gist of the text and brief information about the author. Use the main idea of the article to formulate a thesis statement.
  • Body. Focus each paragraph on one of the critical aspects of the article. Make sure to paraphrase the article's contents.
  • Conclusion. Restate the main idea and the objective of the text.

Write a summary in a way that would let a person who had never read the article understand what it is about. This will ensure your success.

📚 How to Summarize a Story

This section covers summaries of everything that has a plot. Like any other summary, it has to be concise and straight to the point.

  1. Summarize, don’t analyze.

    Describe the "what" of the story and leave out the "why." Including a personal view will sabotage the purpose of the summary.

  2. State the obvious.

    One of the main objectives of summarizing is to tell the reader what the story is about. It can include the plot and the author's intentions.

  3. Move in chronological order.

    This will help your summary to be accurate and organized.

  4. Include background information and critique.

    Such information will help the reader to connect with the story better.

Now you know everything about different kinds of summaries. Go ahead and craft yourself a high-quality summary using our generator and helpful tips!

🤔 FAQs

📌 What is an Objective Summary of a Passage?

An objective summary expresses vital elements of the passage without any additional information. Its advantage is that it leaves out the background information, opinions, or analysis. Writing an objective essay help to understand the text better and determine its essential elements.

📌 What Is the Purpose of Summarizing an Essay?

Summarizing is very useful in essay writing. For example, it helps to determine whether the material is worth reading. It also lets the reader grasp the text better. Besides, summarizing is handy for you as a writer, as it allows keeping track of the research process.

📌 How Can You Convert a Paragraph into Précis?

Précis is a short summary of a passage. Making a paragraph into précis will require determining its main thought. Paraphrase the main objective of the section and review the supporting elements. You can use our generator as a précis online writing tool for such a task.


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